Fear of fog. Scene. The coffee shop. Islamic law topic.

Sharia law. No-one at the counter in the coffee shop is an expert on Islamic law, no-one has any direct experience with Islamic law and its application to a variety of situations. And the outside 3d party sources of the conclusions being circulated at the coffee shop, that Islam in a negative, even threatening light, appear to have an interest in persuading the regular folks to fear Islamic law. Including our news/ media "reports."

The experts are behind the counter: preparing and serving excellent fare, but the proprietor-customer relationship in the shop itself restricts a robust discussion.

1. Immediate interest: Dhimmi status. Can a legally set, second-tier status, restricting some economic or political or religions privilege (even a lot) as to certain groups within a larger cultural whole, ever serve a legitimate, administrative, functional purpose. Can it be applied to transitional issues, such as immigration in current times- even though in the past there have been huge abuses of the second-tier status: persecutions. Can we separate the abuses of those who implement a theory for their own purposes, from the theory itself. A companion discussion here is at Spain Road Ways, Dhimmitude (Christian and Muslim) .

There is much on the internet about "dhimmi" status, the restricted legal status of the non-Muslim in Muslim areas . There are other categories for kinds of non-Muslims as well, and we are interested specifically in the forms of that dhimmitude in history. And, what does the Koran say, and how is that interpreted in Sharia law, or are they the same. Much to learn here, those as water for another time, to prime another pump, see://www.folkmusic.com/record/r_water.htm#Water (John McCutcheon).

Go here for a good start on a narrative of Muslim law, as those laws are interpreted and enforced in contemporary Egypt. "Public Policy and Islamic Law: The Modern Dhimma in Contemporary Egyptian Family Law," by Maurits Berger of the University of Amsterdam. Go to ://.emubarak.googlepages.com/dhimmiinegypt.pdf. You can also read it in html.

This dhimmiinegypt site focuses on personal status law, the legal angle as well as the religious origin, especially family law (not the full history we were looking for) but it served to give a grounding on Islamic law generally. It is a good idea to get your own framework and a start on information before taking anybody seriously on any topic. Otherwise, it is too hard to discern who is authoritative, who is rant, who is exploring (like here), so do explore on your own. We started gathering ideas as Hello, Fodder - Dhimmi and Immigration Issues.

2. Differences in dhimmitude as a concept.

Dhimmitude can be

a) Status. an objective legal / religious status, prescribed by religion and law, which the coffee shop discusses off and on with some discomfort because the lines drawn appear to be firm, and do not include them or their beliefs;

b) Variable. Affected by the subjective interpretation for range of oppression in implementing it. As in any court, the interpretations will be dependent largely on the judges of the time, and/or the religious-secular lawmakers, and the coffee shop acknowledges the range - we also have extremes in religious interpretation; and

c) Another word for human striving for supremacy. Compared to, as a human matter, the western individual (or universal?) practice of "dhimmi-ing" people, which the coffee shop does for entertainment and camaraderie, in every joke about every target profession, ethnic group, blondes, the trivial to the serious. There is a blocking out of the n word and the b word, however, and jokes about a country's people (how many light bulbs) have morphed into the blonde jokes. Improvement? with

d) Part of history in western government-socio-religio-political dhimmi-ing ( that has to include the individual) and that has enabled the WASP to dominate. Here, the dhimii-ing also fosters restrictions on other people's freedoms, even to death as in civil rights, slavery, lynchings, persecutions, crusades, holocausts. See contemporary skinheads as one example, ://www.prejudiceinstitute.org/skinheadsFS.html; and

e) A root idea with more dangerous branches. Western dhimmi-ing seems to include toxic additive - to shame the target, as in use of the n word, the b word, any word depicting a race, immigrant group, country of origin, gender, religious group. And blondes. Violence by people like skinheads is overt. Other violence, including shaming and humiliation, is masked.

Yet, there is an aspect of humiliation to "classic" dhimmitude as well - that the subdued "feel" subdued - see ://www.jihadwatch.org/dhimmiwatch/

3. What we are finding. It appears that white males have been relatively free throughout history to dhimmi women, Jews, ethnic groups, you name it, but only get upset about dhimmi-ing when someone does it to them. I can dhimmi you, but you better not dhimmi me, etc.

Here is a 17th Century dhimmi apparatus - the Cage of Disgrace, in Levoca, Slovakia, for witch caging, shrewish-uppity women chastisement, humiliation, and Inquisition-related deaths of those who did not conform to the dominant male "Christian" Cult du Jour.

The coffee shop loves to dhimmi lawyers, blondes, and it used to be ethnic groups. Laughs all around. Even those in a target group can make a bundle by dhimmying. Howard Stern dhimmying women, and women falling into line to get on the show? Is that a fair example? Or the woman who is also a member of an irrevocably dhimmied group. If a woman is always less than a man in a society, she gets a double dhimmy by being a woman and being in that group.

4. So keep looking into the concept and the process. For explorers, initial ideas on any topic, including dhimmitude may be off base - this is a new word to us - and to which this Duffy's Law, of eponymous fame, applies: "Most people are wrong about most things most of the time." See http://www.answers.com/topic/list-of-eponymous-laws.

Looking up source sites so we can learn on our own, without relying on others' conclusions. Facts before analysis. Here, statements of law, application.

Source - a repeat: "Public Policy and Islamic Law: The Modern Dhimma in Contemporary Egyptian Family Law," by Maurits Berger of the University of Amsterdam. Go to ://.emubarak.googlepages.com/dhimmiinegypt.pdf.

As you research: See how the basic principles apply in a variety of situations, specifically where there are conflicts between different religious communities, or individuals of different religions and practices. The topic in dhimmiinegypt is not commercial law, but "status" law - family law - divorce, inheritance, marriage, guardianship.

Change over time. The history of interpretations both east and west show there is room for change on both sides in how to coexist, and it can happen again. Apparently there was substantial autonomy granted under the Ottomans (19th Century), but that autonomy has been restricted since 1956 and particularly in the 1970's, and you can read the legal and religious reasoning behind.

This gives a framework for much of our US and coffee shop discussion on the role of one group in imposing on another, and what is morally legitimate, if anything.

For legal buffs, note how judges there as well as here are careful to weigh, define, expand or contract interpretations, and still can leave areas unreconciled and inconsistent. Any time the makeup of courts and government change - there seems to have been a watershed in the 1950's and 1970's - laws and interpretations go up for grabs. Here and there.

Application. How close is Egypt's modern interpretation of Islamic law to that of other Islamic countries? For anyone dealing with divorces in this country, between people of differing religious systems, the article raises the kinds of issues you should be assessing with your clients, of any other country's traditions. Whose law controls. Where. What is recognized there that we do here. Legal dhimmitude of the laws themselves.

Sites against dhimmi status: ://www.jewishmag.com/57mag/dhimmi/dhimmi.htm; or seeing it as an inexorably increasing empire, etc. ://www.dhimmi.org/Eurabia.html; ://www.dhimmi.org/

Sites saying look at the alternative that other cultures do to their underdogs, or on the protection aspect, or overviews of pros and cons, similar sentiments: ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhimmi

The clearest conflict seems to be - is this right?

a) the east looking to common good - social cohesion fixed by a common set moral code, even if that is subject so swings over time - at the expense, if that arises, of the individual; and

b) the west looking to individual actualization and enrichment, however flawed the means (barring a large percentage of the population from access, in order to serve the others), and using capitalism to do to that largely; and at the expense of looking seriously at moral obligations to others, despite religious words to the contrary.

Ne'er the twain? If nobody gravitates to the middle consensus - allowing the other to live as it chooses, without agreeing to the terms within its culture? Boom. Will the one ever let the individual desire be run roughshod, and will the other ever let the individual's desire jeopardize the whole.

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Forced pregnancy. The concept of force in pregnancy is contrary to western religion that wisely for centuries touched not the issue. After all, Mary was not forced.  She was told the idea. She agreed. Be it unto me. Let the woman agree or not.

Eve was not forced.  She herself went to god and asked.  And begat only three timed times, with the     third pregnancy, Seth, to replace Cain.

Amy Coney Barrett was not forced, was she?  Should only women who have been forced to remain     pregnant have standing on the issue?  See the roses at https://www.facebook.com/amyconeybarrett/

So, only those forced have standing to address abortion issues.

Fog of abortion.  Leave it be.

Fog of abortion. Forced o[regnancy. Leave it be, until time of breath at least.

Serve on a condo board.  A condo community in many ways is like a colony. A board is given and gives itself broad authority to impose conditions it wants, on unit owners.  Or, a board can set operating procedures that are transparent, consent-based. A board may even avoid its expense areas, if it desires, by shifting "commons" to individual owners and without consent. Just do it.

What drives us.  Can we change direction. Mazlow missed it. His hierarchy of needs provided that the person must have sufficiency and safety before it is feasible to reach for the more elusive qualities of life broadly seen as belonging, prestige and creativity.  Look beyond that tidy Mazlow list. Peer into the physics context of us, for the psychological piece. How do individuals and groups relate to others. What motivates:  opportunity to victimize, exploit, dominate emerges. From what source? The drive to Empire. The smallest child soon learns it is better to bite than to be bitten. Bremen Cathedral, Germany. Research the science-grounded Higgs boson.  You may not be a science major, but find principles explained at a beginning site: How Stuff Works, at https://science.howstuffworks.com/higgs-boson.htm  This research site explores in plain language how matter operates as currently understood (there are gaps), and the role of more edgy research into an additional particle concept that fills in gaps in our current understanding of basic forces. 1. The Higgs boson: Principles of the Higgs boson , still being sought, suggest that there is an additional particle that explains the forces affecting us in physics. This may open our thinking into another principle: an additional particle that in turn explains the forces of our minds also be found.  Our mental drives do not follow the rational. Never have. What research can help us to understand the forces driving us mentally even as we deny them, justify them because we benefit. Can we ever have inter-group amity as to race, gender, and so on, can we deflect the "natural" push to dominate, including by fearmongering, and instead go immediately to problem-solving. Can current institutions and interpretations, without a change of basic mindset, steer us away from ... ...  the Joy of Empire. The Empire Boson. The drive to dominate. Does it drive itself? 2. The Empire boson. Are we hooked on defeating others because we fear competition on merits, do not want justifications challenged. Empire. Self defense. Both sides buy in.  Violence toward otherst revs us up. It whiles away the hours in politics, religion. Rewards are there, making others into victims or inferiors makes the maker feel on top. That is a reward. For Alexander the Great, for example, Empire was a life of industry and valor, and so justified promotion of valor and measure it by those others subsumed. Even he, however, placed power and dominion below the higher life's aim of knowledge of excellence. 20th century Alexander the Great: Valor and industry paved his way to Empire. Our own history is full of drives to dominate or die trying. Illustration: is the rider in the white shirt there to observe, or intervene? A watcher, not a helper, because the activity is approved, "natural." Oh, yeah? The duel. International drive to dominate in history. Life is more meaningful with enemies.  What is the origin of that? See https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-big-questions/201110/enemies-enhance-the-meaning-life The Empire boson. Unquestioning conditioning to support the natural particle. The more guns, the more likely the use thereof. Selah. Escaping the Empire boson. How to go in another direction from violence. 3.  The Colonizer boson. Empire Boson is also the Colonizer Boson.  The Colonizer boson. The drive to exploit. Can we turn ourselves around? 4. Boson theory. Is the Colonizer boson, a/k/a the Empire boson, the fifth basic force: The X19. See simple explanations for difficult things, like a fifth force as theorized also at How Stuff Works (for non-experts) again at https://science.howstuffworks.com/x17particle-fifth-force.htm Colonizer boson. What trickles down to the ordinary soldier. The psychology of war. If there is a particle component driving us to seek domination, warfare and exploitation "just because," present institutions and interpretations of religion and politics and ideology are inadequate to deflect it.  The deadly threesome has fallen too far into the lure of victimizing, the reward received for denigrating those deemed unacceptable, labeled inferior. The Empire boson got 'em. What satisfaction is there with the fifth force, without enforced superiority? The Empire boson wins. Can we reframe to a life without enemies out there. Read more:

We are superfluous,  You are superfluous, if you are not within the super-wealthy few who accumulate by the billions and rule rewards and punishments for the rest of us.  You are a tool. You can be replaced. Fungible.  You are a human fungible.The concept is not new: See it discussed in 2014:  In The New Yorker., Current coverage: The account of Trump-Kushner rise to power, American Oligarchs, a chronology. Any interest but theirs is superfluous. Ignore it.

Hyperbole is an obvious exaggeration.

A history of Trompe. `Who are YOU?' said the Caterpillar. Alice, in Wonderland, was soon stumped. Now. Alice (so say all of us)  asks the same question of Trump, literally pictured here, with Ivana and the help) from the 2003-ish coffee table book, "The Republicans." Except, at that time, Trump was a registered Democrat, see A.  below.  Who are you?  Follow the naming.

Young Trump posing as a Republican in a coffee table picture book, but was he a Democrat at the time.

Time for America to fill in the gaps in its history: go back and live through the middle ages.

We never had the benefit of that, and how the caste structure was finally overthrown, the peasants allowed a foothold, until other factors imposed by the same powers with different names, put them back under. Walls are familiar to Europe's children, who see them country after country.

How did Donald Trump

Pass.  What process vetted him.

When. Deathly silence.

Candidate loophole.

No full clearance? Relevant

To thinking voters.

Security clearance archive, Donald Trump

By what law are candidates excused from scrutiny. See https://www.washingtonpost.com/  February 17, 2017, Opinions, "Citizen Trump likely wouldn’t get a security clearance.

Who does God love best?

Merry What?

First, see Republican National Party Platform 1860 (return until memorized); Apply to Internet Partiality now in effect.

I.  Background. 

God likes me best, said the donkey, because Mary rode one to Bethlehem for the birth, and Jesus rode one in Jerusalem, or if it was a colt,  it might have been.

Wrong there, said the elephant.  Matthew has no donkey at all for the birth, and neither does Luke.

Contain the bully pulpit.

Answer me this. How can the president dump on any citizen, corporation, abridging rights of free speech with particularity, targeting, like CNN as an example, attacking their coverage. If allowed, then by what standard and with what proofs offered simultaneously, not like a great fog of "dishonest" or "unfair."

If CNN is wrong in something, let them acknowledge and correct as appropriate and fact transparency suggests or public outcry on its own requires.

Mestnichestvo in America.

Creeping Crud in the Social Realm.

Russia saddled. 

Russia couldn't rid itself of it, and neither can we 

If mestnichestvo takes hold even one inch more. 

Russia? Russia? Did somebody say Russia? 

Oops! Did I say something wrong?

I.  Topic.  Reasons to say no to Judge Gorsuch:  Our kids.  Reject his position to fix status by statute, to  limit in advance what education is appropriate for a child unable to attend school in a regular classroom.
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